TEL: +81-3-3459-7352 Business hours 9:00-17:00


AIHARA & PARTNERS assists its clients in obtaining, monetizing and exercising their intellectual property rights in and outside of Japan.

Founded in 1985 by Kanji Nagato under the name Nagato International Patent Office, continuing from 2004 as Nagato & Partners until its renaming in October 2022 as AIHARA & PARTNERS, the firm is evolving to meet the expectations of its worldwide clients. Mindful of the rapidly advancing technological landscape in which innovators operate today, AIHARA & PARTNERS’ technically experienced patent attorneys and patent engineers communicate with their clients openly and individually to achieve the timely grant of intellectual property rights.

In addition to prosecuting patents, utility models and trademarks, and carrying out patent searches alongside freedom-to-operate analyses, AIHARA & PARTNERS provides its clients with translations and patent drawings prepared by technically experienced and dedicated staff. Other services offered include patent or trademark monitoring and annuity management. The firm’s patent attorneys also regularly teach and lecture on intellectual property matters.